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I was pampered by sisley

Skincare Event

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Flower Arrangement 5
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Pink Liquid

~ The charm of a British town cannot be blocked~

I wash my body and soul in Durham in Xanadu

Durham has no shortage of internationally renowned chain hotels, most of which are not very close to the city center, but it is a pity to come to the town without experiencing the unique British style of homestays, and the United Kingdom has organized B&B ratings, so the quality of B&B accommodation There are standards to follow. Generally 4~5 star B&Bs can make people feel at home, and the price is obviously cheaper than the hotel. Since you come to a small town like Durham, of course, don’t miss the experience and unique style. The characteristic B & B, the B & B I chose to live is close to the city center, and it is convenient to walk to the main attractions of the small town. Not only the accommodation quality is good, but also the beautiful garden like a peach blossom garden. During the stay, I will heal and study abroad for a whole year Under the heavy pressure of schoolwork, this B&B guest room is comparable to a 5-star hotel, with warm and elegant interior decoration, modern bathroom equipment and toiletries, and a full supply of electric tea kettles, tea bags and coffee, so you can enjoy it without going out Afternoon tea fun


​Makes me feel like I'm back in a hotel in Europe

The owner’s taste affects the interior design and layout of the homestay. The homestay owner’s ingenious layout can be seen everywhere in the room. Because the homestay owner loves gardening, there are beautiful flowers everywhere in the room, which makes people feel warm and comfortable and reluctant to leave.


   前檯入口處經過精心設計, 藤蔓般的線條圖案美麗優雅, 大廳的雕花玻璃美輪美奐, 讓我好有重返歐洲的fu, 忍不住想拍照留念。



 孔雀雕花玻璃後一道精心設計相呼應的彩繪玻璃門, 讓我好有重返歐洲的fu, 忍不住想拍照留念。


 天花板垂墜式的流蘇吊燈好特別啊!搭配黑白相間的拼花地板, 整個門廳間洋溢典雅的歐式風情。


Pink Liquid

Honorable and comfortable skin care experience

The mosaic in front of the castle gives a brief overview of the history of the castle, and visitors can get a glimpse of Knaresborough's past.



      有過在佛羅倫斯米開朗基羅廣場上的餐廳喝Mojito後直接趴在桌上不省人事的經驗, 這回在東方文華的義大利餐廳點飲料時就想挑戰一下Mojito, 但是我很聰明的跟服務生說酒精要少一點, 飲料上桌時覺得葉子好多, 但果然這次沒有趴倒餐桌, 也算洗雪前恥。


      當天點了兩道式及三道式的套餐。因為我是甜點控, 忍不住額外點一道千層派。首先送來麵包, 隨後服務生推來並介紹三種不同風味的橄欖油, 二種不同年份的巴薩米克醋讓我們選擇, 溫熱的麵包真的相當可口。


      前菜味道也不錯, 只是鴨胸有點硬, 我點的魚也沒甚麼滋味, 餐點主餐份量適合正在減肥中的人, 義大利麵還算ok


     每份餐點送一種飲料和松露巧克力, 我點了卡布奇諾。甜點也很美味。帳單相當可觀, 使用特定銀行的信用卡付款可以85折,結帳時記得向服務生詢問。


     吃過甜點之後, 對甜蜜蜜的滋味念念不忘, 還可以來到The Mandarin Cake Shop選購, 這裡面有好多好多甜點, 可以外帶, 也可以在隔壁cafe享用, 而且禮盒看起來也蠻精美的, 如果我收到這間的甜點應該會高興得跳起來吧!我另外撰寫一篇貼文分享Cake Shop,請點下面連結前往閱讀


     距離護膚會還有一點時間, 就在酒店裡閒晃。這座到處都美不勝收的酒店, 處處都是拍照景點。

Pink Liquid

​Wash body and soul in the beautiful garden

It is this beautiful garden that makes me feel worth returning to the house price. Although it is the peak summer season, it is not used by other tenants. It has become my personal secret garden. In this garden with green grass and flowers, I wash my body and heart. , Ling, let go of the exhaustion that a whole year of schoolwork has brought me, and wave away all kinds of pressure


I don’t get tired of spending a long time here. I don’t want to spend money to drink afternoon tea in the cafe. The tea drinking equipment in the room can come in handy. If you bring some desserts, you can easily enjoy afternoon tea in this beautiful secret garden.


    I haven't had the chance to take a salon photo for a long time. I was very excited. I communicated with the photographer first. After taking a few photos, the photographer showed me the results. This photo not only recorded the results of this skin care fair, but also left it for me. The radiant, high-spirited beauty imprint made me deeply appreciate the intention of this French brand to pamper its users.

Fascinating medieval streets of small towns

Strolling through the medieval streets of Knarsboro, not only the well-decorated houses of local residents frequently attract my attention, but also many fascinating specialty shops, flower shops, art and craft shops, music shops and fine wine shops. There are various stalls in the open-air market on Wednesday , offering traditional high-quality fruits and vegetables, fish and meat, etc., and buying with the locals, you can deeply experience the British market culture.







都要愛自己, 保有童稚之心, 努力修練自己邁向更美麗的人生。

願與大家分享我的愛美三個信念~愛漂亮, 護健康, 享人生




Strolling through the medieval streets of Knarsboro, not only the well-decorated houses of local residents frequently attract my attention, but also many fascinating specialty shops, flower shops, art and craft shops, music shops and fine wine shops. There are various stalls in the open-air market on Wednesday , offering traditional high-quality fruits and vegetables, fish and meat, etc., and buying with the locals, you can deeply experience the British market culture.

Watercolor Flowers
Watercolor Flowers

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I studied Japanese in college, but I love learning English. My first time I went abroad to study in the UK, then I traveled to Holland, Belgium and France, and I visited Europe for the first time. I saw with my own eyes the places of interest that I could only see from textbooks and TV. I was deeply moved and overwhelmed. Since then, I have fallen in love with Europe deeply. After 4 British study tours, business trips, and even studying in the UK to obtain an MBA degree, I have the opportunity to observe and understand the European culture, life, behavior and concept, and adjust Own values and outlook on life


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